Children Vaccine Conferences| Immunology Meetings| Asia Pacific| USA| Europe Events| 2017

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Previous Speakers

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Michael King

University of Otago New Zealand

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Eric Sandström

Karolinska Institutet Sweden

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Massimo Amicosante

University of Rome Italy

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Glenda Gray

South African Medical Research Council South Africa

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Felipe Garcia Alcaide

Hospital Clinic de Barcelona Spain

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Sheikh Mohammad Fazle Akbar

Toshiba General Hospital Japan

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Peter Burkhard

University of Connecticut USA

Children Vaccines 2017 & immunisation,  Types of flu vaccines,  Vaccines & Vaccination,  Global Children Vaccines,  Success Of Vaccines,  Asia Pacific Global Summit,  expo on vaccines,  
vaccines centre,  vaccine-science,  vaccine information,  vaccines

Hao Xiaoning

China National Health Development Research Center China

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Children Vaccines 2017

About Conference

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants from all over the world to attend '17th International Conference on Children Vaccines' during August 21-22, 2017 in Birmingham, UK which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Following the great success of the 10th Euro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination June 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy, Conference Series LLc is organizing the  17th International Conference on Children Vaccines which is going to be held in Birmingham, UK in 2017. This will be the new one in the ConferenceSeries Ltd group annual Children vaccine meeting series anticipating with 200 Plus Attendees, to provide a forum where key vaccine stakeholders including academic researchers, public health clinicians, veterinarians, vaccine policy makers, and manufacturers can exchange ideas and collaborate. There will be opportunities for those chosen to present at the meeting to publish a manuscript based on their presentation in the Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination or its sister publication, Immunome Research. ConferenceSeries Ltd organizes a conference series of 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Why to attend???

With members from around the world focused on learning about Vaccinology/Immunology and its advances; this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Immunology/Vaccinology community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new vaccines developments, and receive name recognition at this event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in Immunology/Vaccinology are hallmarks of this conference.

Target Audience:

  • Vaccinology/Immunology Students, Scientists, Pediatricians
  • Vaccinology/pediatric Immunology Researchers
  • Vaccinology/Immunology Faculty
  • Medical Colleges/Children Nutritionists
  • Child-Vaccinology/Immunology Associations and Societies
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Training Institutes
  • Software developing companies
  • Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies
  • Data Management Companies
  • Machinery Manufacturing Companies



Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants from all over the world to attend '17th International Conference on Children Vaccines' during August 21-22, 2017 in Birmingham, UK which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. The theme of the conference is “To emphasize the safety & efficacy of Vaccination in Children

Track 1Smallpox Vaccines

Vaccinia virus is the live poxvirus that was used as the Smallpox vaccine. The development of this vaccine was an important step in the successful eradication of smallpox, an infection characterized by fever, rash and constitutional symptoms, with a high rate of morbidity and mortality. Attempts at control of smallpox began after it was noted that accidental exposure to smallpox by a scratch on the skin reduced the severity of infection. This led to the practice of “Variolation”, which involved intentional administration of pustular fluids from smallpox scabs to uninfected persons. The practice of variolation began in China and India in the tenth century; deaths were reported as a complication of this procedure. The origins of Vaccinia virus are uncertain. Successful vaccination was highly protective for development of any disease for five years and could protect from death or severe smallpox for up to 20 years. Periodic revaccination was necessary for optimal protection.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 2: Polio Vaccines

Polio virus is an enter virus which is transmitted by the faecal-oral route. The virus is ingested, transits the stomach, and replicates in the lining of the gut where it causes short-term diarrhoea. The virus is shed in the faeces for several weeks after resolution of symptoms. In about 1 in 200-1000 cases, the virus escapes the intestine, enters the bloodstream and infects the nervous system where it causes the classic paralytic symptoms associated with the disease. The poliomyelitis (poliovaccine protects against poliovirus infections. The vaccine helps the body produce antibodies (protective substances) that will prevent an individual from contracting polio.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 3: Multiple vaccines (or) Combination Vaccines

Combination vaccines reduce the number of shots your child needs while protecting against several serious diseases. Vaccines are our best defence against infections that may have serious complications such as pneumonia, meningitis, cancer, and even death. CDC recommends vaccinations before the age of two years to protect children against 13 infectious diseasesMMR ,Measles, Mumps, Rubella (German measles), Varicella (chickenpox), Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (whooping cough), Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), Polio, Influenza (Flu), Rotavirus, and Pneumococcal disease.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 4: Maternal Immunity

Immunity acquired by a foetus because of the presence of maternal IgG (Immunoglobulin) that passes through the placenta. Protection against disease acquired by a foetus through the passage of maternal antibodies via the placenta. A specific form of passive immunity in neonates, which is provided by IgG antibodies from the mother passing across the placenta to the foetus. Maternal immunity is immune protective for the infant for up to 6 months. Passive immunity in a neonate provided by IgG antibodies from the mother passing across the placenta to the foetus.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 5: Meningococcal Vaccines

Meningococcal disease is an infection caused by a strain of bacteria called Neisseria meningitides. This invasive bacteria is one of the leading causes of bacterial meningitis in children aged 2 to 18 in the U.S. Meningococcal disease can include meningitis a serious, potentially life-threatening inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord -- and/or a life-threatening  blood infection. Meningococcal disease can cause limb loss through amputation, hearing loss, problems with the nervous system, mental retardation, seizures, and strokes. Fortunately, meningococcal disease is preventable, and the key to prevention is the meningococcal vaccine.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 6: Chicken Pox (Varicella) Vaccines

Chickenpox vaccine is a shot that can protect nearly anyone who receives the vaccine from catching chickenpox. It's also called the varicella vaccine, because chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The vaccine is made from a live but weakened, or attenuated, virus. Viruses that have been attenuated are less virulent than viruses that are not. Although the virus in the chickenpox vaccine is generally incapable of causing a disease, it still stimulates a response from the body's immune system. That response is what gives someone who's had a shot for chickenpox immunity or protection from the illness.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 7: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine

Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the U.S. Vaccine Can is given starting at 9 years of age. HPV is also associated with several less common types of cancer in both men and women. It can also cause genital warts and warts in the upper respiratory tract. More than 50% of sexually active men and women are infected with HPV at some time in their lives.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 8: Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib) Vaccines

Hib disease is an invasive bacterial infection that at one time was the most common cause of bacterial meningitis; invasive means that germs spread to parts of the body that are normally germ-free. Meningitis is an infection of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. Bacterial meningitis is a serious infection that can cause fever, decline in cognitive ability, coma, and death. It kills from 3% to 6% of the children who have it.In addition to meningitis, Hib can cause pneumonia; epiglottitis, which is an infection in the throat that can cause breathing difficulties; blood infection; bone infection; and joint infection leading to arthritis.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 9: Flu Vaccines

Each year during flu season, at least one in every 20 people in the U.S. will come down with influenza or flu. Some years, that number can be as high as one in every five. For most of us, getting the flu means several days of feeling pretty miserable. Headaches, body aches, fever, chills, fatigue, and exhaustion are all part of the disease running its course. But then most people recover on their own. The flu is caused by influenza viruses that are highly contagious. Fortunately, there are ways to protect you against seasonal flu, and the primary way to prevent it is to get an annual vaccination.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 10: Rotavirus (RV) Vaccine

Rotavirus gets its name from the fact that, under a microscope, the virus resembles a wheel. And you could say, like you might say about a wheel, rotavirus goes round and round. This nasty, potentially lethal bug causes severe acute gastroenteritis with diarrhoea and vomiting, primarily in infants and young children. Fortunately, there are two rotavirus vaccines that can protect children from paediatric critical care for this disease.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 11: PPSV (Pneumococcal Vaccine)

Pneumococcal disease is an infection caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia or pneumococcus. People can be infected with the bacteria, or they can carry it in their throat, and not be ill. Those carriers can still spread it, primarily in droplets from their nose or mouth when they breathe, cough, or sneeze. Bacterial meningitis, an infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord that can lead to confusion, coma, and death as well as other physical effects, such as blindness or paralysis.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 12: Hepatitis Vaccines

Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are two members of a family of closely related Hepatitis diseases - the others being hep C, D, and E -- that are caused by a viral infection. Although each of those viruses is different, the diseases are similar. Hepatitis is marked by liver inflammation, and it can be serious or even life-threatening. Although there are no vaccines for Hepatitis C, D, or E, there are safe and effective vaccines that can prevent hep A and B. There is also a combination of vaccines adjuvants that guard against both diseases.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 13: Bacterial Vaccines

A drug may be classified by the chemical type of the active ingredient or by the way it is used to treat a particular condition. Each drug can be classified into one or more drug classes. Bacterial vaccines contain killed or attenuated bacteria that activate the immune system. Antibodies are built against that particular bacteria, and prevents bacterial infection later. An example of a bacterial vaccine is the Tuberculosis Vaccine.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 14: Neonatal Vaccines

New-borns have an immature immune system that renders them at high risk for infection while simultaneously reducing responses to most vaccines, thereby posing challenges in protecting this vulnerable population. Nevertheless, certain vaccines, such as Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) and Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV), do demonstrate safety and some efficacy at birth, providing proof of principal that certain antigen-adjuvant combinations are able to elicit protective neonatal responses.

Neonates and infants suffer a high frequency and severity of microbial infection resulting in millions of deaths worldwide. The same immune deficiencies that render new-borns susceptible to infection also reduce their memory responses to most antigens, thereby potentially frustrating efforts to protect this high-risk population. As birth is the most reliable point of healthcare contact worldwide and effective vaccination at birth would provide early protection for new-borns and infants, expanding and improving the available means of neonatal vaccination is a global health priority.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 15: Vaccines For Pregnant Women

Risk to a developing fetus from vaccination of the mother during pregnancy is theoretical. No evidence exists of risk to the fetus from vaccinating pregnant women with inactivated virus or bacterial vaccines or toxoids. Live vaccines administered to a pregnant woman pose a theoretical risk to the fetus; therefore, live, attenuated virus and live bacterial vaccines generally are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Vaccines help protect the baby against serious diseases. The pregnant women share everything with their baby. That means when they get vaccines, they aren’t just protecting their self but they are giving their baby some early protection too. CDC recommends getting a whooping cough and flu vaccine during each pregnancy to help protect yourself and the baby.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 16: Vaccine Adjuvants

An Vaccine Adjuvant is an ingredient that helps create a stronger immune response in the patient’s body.  In other words, adjuvants help vaccines work better. Some vaccines made from weakened or dead germs contain naturally occurring adjuvants and help the body produce a strong protective immune response. However, most vaccines developed today include just small components of germs, such as their proteins, rather than the entire virus or bacteria. These vaccines often must be made with adjuvants to ensure the body produces an immune response strong enough to protect the patient from the germ he or she is being vaccinated against.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 17: Standard immunizations for children

The national vaccine immunization program, directed principally at children, is one of the most successful examples of effective preventive care in the United States. One of the most dramatic examples of the benefits of appropriate immunization is the marked decrease in cases of invasive Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) infection since the introduction of Hib conjugate vaccines (HbCVs) in December 1987. The number of cases in children younger than five years of age declined by >99 percent by 2000 [1]. To further emphasize the success of the immunization program, it is important to note the remarkable benefits achieved with recommended administration of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 18: Vaccine Storage and Handling

Immunizations help save lives, prevent serious illnesses, and are recognized as one of the most effective public health interventions available today. Vaccines immunology programs are among the most cost-effective ways to prevent disease. The success of these programs depends heavily upon the high immunization coverage of the target group and vaccine inventory management, including proper storage and handling of vaccines. This document is intended to assist all health care providers with how to properly store and handle provincially funded vaccines. Prior to storing vaccine, health care providers are required to understand and meet with the vaccine storage and handling requirements indicated in this document.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 19: Immunization safety

First we are assured that, thanks to vaccines, some diseases are almost gone from the U.S. But we are also warned to immunize our children, ourselves as adults, and the elderly. Unless we can "stop the leak" (eliminate the disease), it is important to keep immunizing. Even if there are only a few cases of disease today, if we take away the protection given by vaccination, more and more people will become infected and will spread disease to others. Soon we will undo the progress we have made over the years.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 20: Vaccine Delivery Technologies

There are currently several factors that are creating pressure to improve delivery systems for vaccines. First, in the current regulatory environment, there is a growing requirement to develop vaccines that are very well defined in molecular terms. Thus, as opposed to using whole-inactivated pathogens presenting a complex range of antigens, most newly developed vaccines are rather based on selected target antigens. In some cases these may be single molecules, or even fragments thereof, derived from an infectious micro-organism, a tumour cell, an allergen or an auto-antigen. The target molecule may be administered as a purified protein or as a peptide(s), or may be expressed from plasmid DNA or a recombinant virus. Often, such molecular vaccines are poorly immunogenic, implying a need for an adjuvant, a specific formulation or a vector system of enhanced immunogenicity. Second, although in the past most vaccines have been designed to stimulate antibody responses against surface molecules of bacteria or viruses, new generation vaccines are increasingly designed to elicit cellular immune responses, especially of the Th1 type. Such responses are considered paramount for targeting chronic infectious diseases that may have an intracellular stage (associated for example with HIV, herpes viruses, hepatitis C virusHelicobacter pyloriPlasmodium falciparumMycobacterium tuberculosis), but also for the development of therapeutic vaccines against cancer, autoimmune diseases or allergies. New vaccines are also being developed to elicit mucosal immune responses in humans, for example to protect against pathogens such as influenza virus, HIV, HSV or human oncogenic or wart-associated papilloma viruses. Unlike most of the traditional vaccines, these efforts require the recruitment of cellular or mucosal immune effector mechanisms and necessitate the exploration of new routes of administration, new formulations, and new adjuvant systems3. Third, improving vaccine administration generally, either for the physician, or more importantly for the customer, towards pain-free and safe needle-less devices is likely to represent a major driver in the future vaccine market.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 21: Vaccine Production and Development

The manufacturing processes for vaccines have also come a long way, from using heat-inactivated cells to using recombinant DNA technology-driven antigen production. For example, inactivated polio vaccine as developed by Salk has been changed and improved and is currently being produced in a Vero cell line. Additionally, there are a few other examples of expression systems that are specifically developed for use in vaccine production. These include the PER.C6 cell line, the associated AdVac/Virosome technology (Crucell/DSM), and the avian-derived cell lines from Vivalis and ProBioGen. Another expression technology with potential benefits is the Pfenex Expression Technology from Dow, which has been used to generate high levels of vaccine antigens.

Vaccine production has several stages. Process of vaccine manufacture has the following steps:

·         Inactivation – This involves making of the antigen preparation

·         Purification – The isolated antigen is purified

·         Formulation – The purified antigen is combined with adjuvants, stabilizers and preservatives to form the final vaccine preparation.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands

Track 22: Current Research and Future Challenges

Human vaccine development remains challenging because of the highly sophisticated evasion mechanisms of pathogens for which vaccines are not yet available. Recent years have witnessed both successes and failures of novel vaccine design and the strength of iterative approaches is increasingly appreciated. These combine discovery of novel antigens, adjuvants and vectors in the preclinical stage with computational analyses of clinical data to accelerate vaccine design. Reverse and structural Vaccinology have revealed novel antigen candidates and molecular immunology has led to the formulation of promising adjuvants. Gene expression profiles and immune parameters in patients, vaccines and healthy controls have formed the basis for bio-signatures that will provide guidelines for future vaccine design.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; 9th Annual World Congress of Vaccine, March 29-31, 2017 China; 6th Asian Vaccine Conference, April 27-29, 2017; 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research, 14-15 March 2017 Norway

Track 23: Entrepreneurs Investment Meet

The Indian economy is among the fastest growing economies in the world. The country forayed into manufacturing vaccines starting with a few public-sector manufacturers in the late 1960s but has emerged as the major supplier of basic Expanded Programme on Immunization vaccines to the United Nations. In addition to the need for vaccines and ancillary products, there was also a clear need for funding to support the costs of safely deploying vaccines to countries, and for safely distributing and administering them within the systems of recipient countries once they arrived.

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 15th Annual Summit on Vaccines and Immunization, February 20-21, 2017 German; 17th International Conference on Children Vaccines, August 21-22, 2017 UK; 18th Global Summit & Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination September 18-19, 2017 Houston, USA; 20th Asia Pacific Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination October 5-7, 2017, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; World Vaccine Congress Washington 2017 10 - 12 April, USA; International Conference on Vaccines, February 20-22, 2017  USA; 19th International Conference on Vaccines and Immunization, June 25 - 26, 2017 France; 30th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children Symposium, November 18-19, 2017 USA; The 2017 Florida Immunization Summit, February 2-4, 2017 USA; HIV Vaccines, March 26—30, 2017 USA; IVW 2017 – Influenza Vaccines for the World, 19-21 April 2017 Switzerland; SVS 2017 – Skin Vaccination Summit, 22-24 May 2017 The Netherlands.

Market Analysis

Vaccinology is a major pasture in eradication of diseases. Conventional approaches to vaccine draft were to enfeeble the human pathogen, Vaccinology is the science of vaccine evolution and how the immune system responds to vaccines, but supplementally includes perpetual workup of Immunization programs and vaccine safety and efficacy, as well as supervision of the epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Vaccination belongs to important and effective ways of infectious diseases prevention. Along with securing of drinking water it belongs to the most effective ways of morbidity and mortality decreasing of infectious diseases in the world. That is why majority of countries in the world adopted in second half of the twentieth century immunization programs. Effectiveness of vaccination is unambiguously proven by regression up-to clearance of many diseases preventable by vaccination. Influence of vaccination can be best illustrated on eradication of smallpox in the world. Thanks to vaccination this deadly disease was overcome, in seventies of the last century this disease was the cause of many deaths. In countries with low immunization rate, i.e. with not adequate collective immunity, many vaccination preventable diseases occur.

Vaccination is a formula to obliterate the diseases. It is a concern for the professionals who looks over the clinical perspective. Children Vaccines 2017 pile up all the extroverts under one roof of modern progress.

Importance & Scope:

Conference series Ltd invites all professionals around the world to attend “17th International Conference on Children Vaccines” features with theme "To emphasize the safety & efficacy of Vaccination in Children" from August 21-22, 2017 in Birmingham, UK. Conference explores the advances in Vaccines and Vaccination. This conference brings a novel and International compound of massive and form cognizance on vaccines and vaccination, leading universities stir up the conference an ideal dais to quantify out proficiency, enrich collaborations across trade and world, and assess upgrading technologies across the world.

For more Details: http:

Why Birmingham ?

Birmingham is a major city and metropolitan borough of West Midlands, England. It is the most astronomically immense and most populous British city outside London, with a population in 2014 of 1,101,360. The city is in the West Midlands Built-up Area, the third most populous urban area in the Coalesced Kingdom, with a population of 2,440,986 at the 2011 census. Birmingham's metropolitan area is the second most populous in the UK with a population of 3.8 million. This additionally makes Birmingham the 9th most populous metropolitan area in Europe.

Birmingham is home to five universities: Aston University, University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, University College Birmingham and Newman University. Birmingham has 32,690 research students, withal the highest number of any major city outside London.

There are several major National Health Accommodation hospitals in Birmingham. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, adjacent to the Birmingham Medical School in Edgbaston, houses the most immensely colossal critical care unit in Europe, and is additionally the abode of the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, treating military personnel injured in conflict zones. Other general hospitals in the city include Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield and City Hospital in Winson Green. There are additionally many specialist hospitals, such as Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham Women's Hospital, Birmingham Dental Hospital, and the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. Birmingham leads in Travel health with a full range of Travel Vaccinations and Medical kits.

Major Hospital in Birmingham:

·        City Hospital

·        Birmingham Children's Hospital

·        Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

·        Birmingham Women's Hospital

·        Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre

·        Royal Orthopaedic Hospital

·        BMI the Edgbaston Hospital

Major Hospital in UK:

·        King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·        Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

·        Addenbrooke's Hospital

·        Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

·        St Thomas' Hospital

·        King's Mill Hospital

·        Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

·        University Hospital Southampton NHS

·        Wythenshawe Hospital

·        St George's Hospital

·        Great Ormond Street Hospital

·        Royal Stoke University Hospital

Major Hospitals around the World:

·        Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore U.S

·        Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital Johannesburg South Africa

·        Stanford Hospitals and Clinics U.S

·        Great Ormond Street Hospital London UK

·        University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre Houston U.S

·        Harvard Medical School Boston U.S

·        Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

·        The Priory UK

·        Bumrungrad International Hospital Bangkok Thailand

·        Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre Los Angeles U.S


Major Vaccines Associations and Societies in Birmingham:

·        Vaccine Research Association

·        British Society for Immunology

·        Child Health and Society

·        British Global and Travel Health Association

·        Natural Society Natural Society

Major Vaccines Associations and Societies in Europe:

·        Albanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Armenian Association of Immunology and Allergy

·        Austrian Society of Allergology and Immunology

·        Belarus Association of Allergology & Clinical Immunology

·        Belgian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

·        British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

·        Bulgarian National Society of Allergology

·        Croatian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Czech Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Dutch Society of Allergology

·        French Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Georgian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Hellenic Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Hungarian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Icelandic Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

·        Italian Association of Territorial and Hospital Allergists

·        Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

·        Latvian Association of Allergists

·        Moldavian Society of Allergology & Immunology

·        Norwegian Society of Allergology and Immunopathology

·        Polish Society of Allergology

·        Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Romanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

·        Serbian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists

·        European Federation of Immunological societies (EFIS)

Major Vaccines Associations and Societies Globally:

·        The International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research

·        The International Society of Neuro-immunology

·        The International Union of Immunological Societies

·        The Society for Mucosal Immunology

·        The Society for Leukocyte Biology

·        Transplantation Society

·        British Society for Immunology

·        Cell Death Society

·        European Federation of Immunological Societies

·        European Society of Gene Therapy

·        Federation of African Immunological Societies

·        Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

·        Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies

·        Immune Deficiency Foundation

·        Infectious Diseases Society of America


Industries Associated with Vaccines in Birmingham:

·        Novartis

·        PraxisUnico

·        DiscoveRx

·        Parexel

·        The Binding Site

·        The Jenner Institute

Industries Associated with Vaccines in UK:

·        AAH Pharmaceuticals

·        Alliance Boots

·        Astex

·        AstraZeneca (Med Immune)

·        BTG

·        Cyclacel

·        Dechra Pharmaceuticals

·        GE Healthcare

·        Genus

·        GlaxoSmithKline

·        Hikma Pharmaceuticals

·        Indivior

·        MacFarlan Smith

·        Norbrook Group

·        Oxford BioMedica

·        Pfizer UK

·        Phytopharm

·        Proximagen

·        Shire

·        Silence Therapeutics

·        TBS GB

·        Unipath

·        Vectura Group

·        Vernalis

Industries Associated with Vaccines Worldwide:

·        Lipotek Acton - ACT, Australia

·        Admedus East Perth, WA, Australia

·        Gamma Vaccines Manuka, ACT, Australia

·        Sementis Melbourne, VIC, Australia

·        bioCSL (CSL) Parkville, VIC, Australia

·        Vaxxas Nanopatch Sydney, Australia

·        AFFiRiS Vienna, Austria

·        Sinovac Biotech - Beijing, China

·        GlaxoSmithKline - Shanghai, China

·        Sinovac Biotech - Tangshan, China

·        Vaxon Biotech - Paris, France

·        VitamFero - Tours, France

·        Bavarian Nordic - Planegg, Germany

·        Bharat Biotech - Hyderabad, India

·        Indian Immunologicals - Hyderabad, India

·        Shantha (Sanofi) - Hyderabad, India

·        Haffkine Biopharmaceuticals – Mumbai India

·        Panacea Biotec - New Delhi, India

·        MSD (Merck) - Carlow, Ireland

·        Pfizer - Clondalkin, Ireland

·        Crucell (Janssen Pharmaceutical) - Madrid, Spain

·        GlaxoSmithKline - Madrid, Spain

·        GlaxoSmithKline - Gloucestershire, UK

·        Antitope (Abzena) - Cambridge, UK

·        GlaxoSmithKline - Cumbria, UK

·        ImmBio - Cambridge, UK

·        GlaxoSmithKline - Harlow, UK

·        GlaxoSmithKline - Irvine, UK


Universities Associated with Vaccine Research:


·        University of Birmingham

·        University of Alabama

·        Birmingham City University

·        Newman University

·        Aston University

United Kingdom (UK):

·        Oxford Vaccine Group

·        St George's University of London

·        Surrey Clinical Research Centre

·        University College London

·        Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Campus

·        University of East Anglia

·        Kingston University London


·        Harvard University

·        University of Oxford

·        University of Cambridge

·        Johns Hopkins University

·        Stanford University

·        University of California, San Francisco

·        University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

·        Yale University

·        Karolinska Institute

·        ULC London

·        Imperial College London

·        University of Pennsylvania

·        Duke University

·        University of Toronto

·        Columbia University

·        The University of Sydney

·        The University of Melbourne

·        University of Washington

·        The University of Tokyo

·        National University of Singapore (NUS)


Market Value and Market Growth on Vaccines Research in the Past and Upcoming Ten Years:

The global vaccine market is one of the fastest growing segments and new predictions estimate the value of the market to reach between $48 billion and more than $70 billion over the next five to eight years.

According to a new report released by Transparency Market Research, the value of the global human vaccines market is expected to grow from a $28.3 billion in 2015 to $72.5 billion in 2024. The projection would represent a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2 percent from 2016 to 2024. Even though the dollar figure is large and growing, vaccines still only account 3 percent of the market share within the global pharmaceutical industry

The report broke down expectations by segments. By age group, paediatric vaccines accounted for 57.5 percent of the share in 2015, but adult vaccines are expected to grow at a 13.2 percent CAGR during the forecast period.

When the research group analysed the market by product, they found the pneumococcal segment to have the majority share in 2015, but expect hepatitis products to demonstrate strong growth through 2024. By vaccine type, the conjugate vaccines held the majority share in 2015, but the combination vaccines were expected to have the largest CAGR.

         North America dominates the vaccine market with an anticipated value of $28 billion by 2024. Four companies control 74 percent of the global market—Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline.


Estimated Impact of  Immunization on Vaccines Preventable Diseases:


Funding for Children vaccines Research:

United Kingdom:

In 2007, the Medical Research Council reviewed its vaccine research portfolio and concluded that it needed to strengthen its translational research by accelerating basic vaccine research into product development and clinical practice and using vaccine research to inform immunisation policies. Five projects have received funding, including a study to monitor the effectiveness of HPV vaccines in teenage girls. There are some academic centres which focus on vaccine research. Some, such as the Jenner Institute in Oxford, specialise in researching novel candidate vaccines. The limiting step for such institutes is the expense of producing batches of novel vaccines and testing them in clinical trials. In 2005, in an effort to encourage UK based pharmaceutical manufacture (including vaccines) the government invested £30m in establishing a National Bio-manufacturing Centre. This facility can produce a wide variety of biopharmaceuticals (including vaccines) under contract from the private sector and academia.

Global Funds:

·        United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

·        Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

·        Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

·        American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

·        Vaccine Foundation (V Foundation)

·        Rockefeller Foundation (RF)

·        National Institute of Health(NIH)

·        Children’s Vaccine Initiative (CVI)

·        Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)


Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies Based on Global Vaccine Revenues in 2015 and 2022
(in million U.S. dollars):


Target Audience:

The conference discusses the latest research outcomes and technological advancements in the field and brings together leading Pediatrics, Immunologists, Physicians, Research Scholars, Students along with Industrial and Vaccines Research professionals to exchange share their views on critical aspects of Vaccines research. The event is designed in a way to provide an exclusive platform for new researchers, scholars and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Vaccination. Children Vaccines-2017 will comprise leading keynote speakers, session speakers, poster presenters who will be presenting their research on the topics Smallpox vaccine Polio Vaccine, Maternal Immunity, Bacterial Vaccines, Meningococcal Vaccines, Chicken pox (Varicella) Vaccines, Standard Immunizations for Children etc.


Projections:-Growth by next 5-10 years:

The global market for Pediatric vaccines has reported an impressive development in its market valuation, thanks to the increasing rate of birth globally. The rising incidence of diseases such as polio, influenza, hepatitis has also fuelled demand from the global pediatric vaccines market to a great extent.

The pediatric vaccines segment dominates the global pediatric vaccine products market. The market for live attenuated vaccines has registered the highest growth among all the segments, based on technology. By diseases, the infectious diseases segment has occupied the leading position at present. However, the rising prevalence of cancer, specifically Leukaemia, in kids is projected to register the fastest growth in this market in the coming years. This will further boost the global market for pediatric vaccines in the near future. 

North America leads the global market for pediatric vaccines and is closely followed by Europe. However, the market for pediatric vaccines in Asia Pacific is likely to report the fastest growth during the period from 2012 to 2018 owing to the high birth rate in China and India.

Past Conference Report

Euro Vaccines 2016

Conference Series LLC hosted the 10th Euro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination at Rome, Italy during June 16-18, 2016. The conference was organized with a focus on the theme “Transforming Health through Vaccine Innovations” and was a great success where eminent keynote speakers from various reputed companies and Universities made their resplendent presence and addressed the gathering.

Euro Vaccines 2016 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the field of Vaccines and Therapeutics.

Conference Series LLC would like to convey a warm gratitude to all the Honorable guests and Keynote Speakers of Euro Vaccines 2016:

Giulio Filippo Tarro, Foundation T. & L. de Beaumont Bonelli for Cancer Research, Italy
Van Regenmortel Marc Hubert Victor, University of Strasbourg, France
Adan Rios, PhotoImmune Biotechnology Inc., USA
Andrew Lees, Fina Biosolutions LLC, USA
Rene Labatut, Sanofi Pasteur, France
Timothy R Fouts, Profectus Biosciences Inc., USA
Prakash Bhuyan, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, USA
Emmanuel Drouet, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France

Conference Series LLC on behalf of the conference, congratulates the Best Poster awardees for their outstanding performance and appreciates all the participants who put their efforts in poster presentations and sincerely wishes them success in future endeavours.

Conference Series LLC also took the privilege of felicitating Euro Vaccines 2016 Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers, Plenary Speakers, Chairs and Co-Chairs whose support made conference a great success.

Euro Vaccines 2016 conference was a great success with the support of International multi professional steering committee and coordinated by Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination,Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology and Immunome Research. With the enormous feedback from the participants and supporters of  Euro Vaccines 2016, Conference Series LLC is glad to announce 19th Euro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination June 19-21, 2017 Paris, France.

Let us meet again @ Euro Vaccines 2017


Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 21-22, 2017

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Day 1 Day 2

Supported By

Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination Pediatrics & Therapeutics Immunome Research Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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